Sunday, 30 October 2016

Celebrity Casting

Now this could be interesting.... just a reminder all views expressed here are my own and I am interested in hearing other peoples opinions! Let me know in the comments!

Anyway, on with the show....

Recently I have been seeing more and more shows doing 'Celebrity Casting', now I am all for celebrities being cast in shows - such as Sheridan Smith in Funny Girl, Nicole Scherzinger in 'Cats' - HOWEVER I must admit I don't like it when companies cast celebrities in a bid to sell tickets rather than to provide an excellent show.

Take for example the recent touring production of 'Ghost: The Musical' we have a well known, well loved show heading on a tour of the UK with Sarah Harding (best known as part of Girls Aloud) and Andy Moss taking the title roles.

Now I haven't been able to see the show myself and I hate to say it I haven't particularly wanted too given what I have heard about the show....Sarah Harding is not a very popular choice as Molly. Her vocal talent within the role is questionable and her accents need a little work. Now before you start firing insults at me I have listened to multiple recordings of her performances and it hasn't done much for me than other than make me cringe....
I think you need a certain voice type to play Molly and sadly I don't think Sarah quite has what it requires, neither sadly,  do many of the press and audiences who have seen the show. However I have always been a fan of Sarah and would like to see her take on some more well suited roles in the world of Theatre.

Ghost is currently Touring until 22nd April 2017.

So let's also take a look at some well suited celebrity castings, Funny Girl with Sheridan Smith starring as Fanny Brice.
Sadly Funny Girl has recently played its last show on the West End (8th October) but it has been announced that there will be a UK tour of the show!! Yay!
Anyways, Sheridan Smith was sensational!! Funny Girl was originally playing at The Menier Chocolate Factory then moved to the Savoy (now home to Dreamgirls - opening in November)
Having listened to the OLC soundtrack I am completely blown away at the raw talent and emotion Sheridan possesses and the effort she puts in at every show.
Sheridan is 100% the right person to be playing Fanny, she has that wit and sass required and is a hilarious character, as well as being able to hold an audience during the slower, more emotional numbers.

I would love to see Sheridan take on some more Theatre roles in the future!

So lets open it up a bit...what do you guys think about celebrity casting? Just a way for producers to make money - talented or not? Or are they ways of showcasing amazing talent, wherever it is found?

Speak soon!
Jade xx

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