Saturday, 8 October 2016

Wicked 10th Anniversary!

I know, I'm late with this one -- sorry guys! But better late than never.

27th September 2016

A Night I will not forget....

Come with the Emerald City

One short night in the Emerald City...

Now as I'm sure most of you know (unless you have been living under a rock - no seriously...where have you been?) Wicked celebrated 10 Years in the West End earlier this week and I was lucky enough to be there.

Dress Circle - Row K seat 7

First thing is was an aisle seat *mini fist-pump*. As I have mentioned before I love aisle means I get a little more legroom. That being said the Apollo Victoria Theare has just been refurbished and the seats have a pretty decent amount of legroom anyway...and the seats are really really comfy...

Anyways, before you all ask the view from the seat was brilliant!!
You could see the whole stage and you had a really good perspective of the lighting on the stage, this can often be missed if you sit in the stall - I certainly never noticed the lighting when I was down there.
I got side-tracked...back to the view from my seat!
Pictures speak a thousand words so here you go!

Dress Circle, Row K, Seat 7 :) Amazing View

Now lets rewind just a little bit - I was buzzing in the few days leading up to the event. I couldn't wait to finally see the glorious Rachel Tucker back doing her thing opposite the amazingly talented Suzie Mathers. Clearly London had the same idea!! Everywhere was going green. For example the Victoria Tube line had special posters (as did all the tube lines I went on throughout the day) but this poster I spotted at Euston was by far my favourite:
It does sound Wonderful!
I was in London all afternoon so I saw so much green!!!
I think this one was at Green Park! You can never have enough green!
The Wicked Booth in Piccadilly Circus

So anyway, there will be more photospam later on but for now back to the story.... Upon stepping out of Victoria Station and once again seeing the Apollo Victoria in all its green glory I was so happy, ready for this special show, except this time it was a little bit more was much busier, a forest of people behind a few barriers and behind those barriers was a green carpet! Leading from stage door to the main entrance.
The Crowds were insane!!

Even standing at the side of the green carpet there was a serious buzz! Cast members from times gone by made appearances, the likes of Willemijn Verkaik, Savannah Stevenson, Louise Dearman, Emma Hatton and Kerry Ellis to name but a few. As the main entrance was for ex-cast and press only we had to enter via the back entrance.
I got to walk up the Green Carpet :)
Stepping into the Foyer was madness! The crowds!! In al honesty I have never seen so many people crammed into one place but it was amazing! Everyone seemed so excited and were chatting with everyone. The special merchandise they had on offer for the 10th was so so so beautiful!! If my bank allowed I would have bought it all.

I want it all!! I am proud of my self restraint....

So anyway after taking in the atmosphere and doing a little bit of star spotting (caught a glimpse of Savannah, Emma and Kerry) I headed upstairs to my seat.
I found my seat and found a little gift on it... every member of the audience had been given a 10th Anniversary Poster which I think was a very sweet gesture!!  Thank you Wicked!!

Now the show started a little after 7 and damn, what a show it was. As soon as Suzie was lowered in the bubble the crowd burst into applause, when we saw the ensemble there was also applause....and when Rachel first stepped on stage the roof was officially blown off the top of the Apollo Victoria, what a welcome!! The applause went on for a good couple of minutes. The best audience ever!!

The first act sailed by without any major hitches you really could feel the excitement of the cast, every single member of the cast was giving it their all, more so than usual. One thing I did notice is that after 'Popular' when Glinda rushed off-stage, changed back into her Shiz uniform and is back onstage for the arrest of Doctor Dillamond, she ran off but didn't re appear. I assume there was an issue with the costume, but unless you have seen the show multiple times you probably wouldn't notice.
When 'Defying Gravity' began the whole audience was deathly silent, you could hear a pin drop, its was almost like the whole theatre collectively leaned forwards in anticipation.
And as soon as Rachel was taken up in the lift the entire audience erupted! Before the song had even finished the whole audience was on their feet applauding and cheering.

Interval came and went and I settled down for Act 2! This is where a couple of things went wrong, it was quite funny!!

So in 'Thank Goodness' the "Congratulotions!" banner got tangled and didn't unroll fully, bless the guys operating it, they tried dropping it again but it didn't work - one side remained caught up.
The audience took it all in good humour and greeted it with cheers and a collective laugh - the cast clearly demonstrated the professionals they were and continued - the show must go on!

Also during the scene where Fiyero comes across Elphie and the Wizard (just after 'Wonderful') the Guards are sent to get water....Well the 2 guards turned and marched got his weapon (I can't remember what they are called!!) caught and ended up smashing on of the lights on the Wizard Head and walked into the piece of set!! How we all laughed, but we applauded him! He continued so well, I really hope he didn't hurt himself.
Also it looked like Suzie nearly walked into it too as she exited the stage but she didn't, thank goodness.

For Good came along and I could here a few people crying, it is such an amazing piece of music and Suzie and Rachel sang it beautifully. Their voices just blend together so nicely - expert casting guys!!
The show ended and the audience rose!! Cheers and applause echoed around the building (my hands ached for ages...) and it went on...and on...and on. These guys deserved it. The whole cast was brilliant, from swings to leads, from creative to stage hands....everyone involved in the show made it exceptional.

Wicked 10th Anniversary Cast

Then we get to the good bit. As it was a special show - 10 years is a long time!- there was a bit of excitement afterwards...Rachel and Suzie introduced members of the current international case, original cast, the 15/16 cast and all other casts between. They all assembled on stage and took a bow together. Speeches were made tears were shed and then they introduced someone rather special, the man who created the magical score we all love, the spellbinding Steven Schwarz was brought on stage and once again the audience rose - his applause went on for a good 4-5 minutes. He too made a speech but one thing I noticed was a common theme - Wicked is a truly magical show, it lives through its story, the casts that make the magic happen and above all the audiences. Without us, Wicked would not be the mega show it is today, we keep going back time and time again and coming out feeling Wonderful...that is what makes a show special.
Then they let of a load of streamers and balloons started falling from the sky :) It looked beautiful from where I was sat but I did feel sorry for those sat Centre Stalls - they were all falling on their heads :)

I feel so honoured that I was able to attend this amazing show and see it turn 10....Congratulotions Wicked UK and here is to 10 more thrillifying years.

Now the Performers...

Oliver Savile - Fiyero

"It's Not Lying...It's looking at things a different way"


I was thrilled to be seeing Oliver in the role of Fiyero, I've seen covers take on the part but was pleased to see Oliver and he blew me away! He brought something different to the role that I have never seen in a Fiyero before. 
Now Fiyero is a difficult part to play and there are many different angles to the character after all, when we meet him he is a self - absorbed, posh Prince. To me he seems to be the character that goes through the biggest personality change because by the end of the show he is a kind, loving accepting person. Oliver portrays this so well! Not only is he appropriately handsome with a dazzling smile which seems to scream 'Love Interest' his voice is just so well suited to the part! His 'Dancing Through Life' is exceptional but his voice is really brought out on his duet with Rachel, 'As Long As You're Mine' , it is full of love and passion and some brilliant harmonies are highlighted too. Their voices blend so well.

I cannot wait to see Oliver again and wish him all the very best in the rest of his run in Wicked and the very best for the future :)

Twitter: Oliver Savile

Suzie Mathers - Glinda (The Ga is silent)

"Pink Goes Good With Green"

I was so excited to be seeing Suzie. Suzie has had contact with Wicked since 2008 where she started off as a Swing and in 2012 was cast as the lead role of Glinda. This marked Suzie's West End Debut and her 10th City and 6th Country to be playing Glinda in :) Now those are some impressive numbers!
Now Glinda too, is an interesting character who also had a personality change over the course of the show. We meet her as a self obsessed, ditzy brat who is known for getting her way and by the end of the show she is a loving, radiant figure of power within Oz, respected and loved by all. I think that deep down Glinda was always a loving character which we see begin to flourish towards the end of  'Dancing Through Life'. Onto her vocals....such a pure soprano! Her 'No One Mourns The Wicked' is one of the greatest I have seen. She effortlessly delivers those high notes. Her comedic timing in 'Popular' is perfect, right up there with Savanah Stevenson's rendition. Her voice really is highlighted in her duet with Rachel 'For Good'. This is the moment in the show where the Witched relationship is cemented and they begin to realise how much of a good impact they have had on each others lives. Suzie and Rachel's voices were created to blend together I swear- the harmonies those 2 can pull off are exceptional.

I hope to see Suzie again soon and wish her all the very best for her remaining time in Wicked and in the future :)

Twitter: Suzie Mathers

Rachel Tucker - Elphaba

"It's the Wizard who should be afraid...of me"

Now onto everyone's favourite green girl, fresh from her Broadway run, Rachel Tucker is back ladies and Gentlemen!!
Rachel is up there with my top 3 Elphies; the other 2 being Emma Hatton and Kerry Ellis (in no particular order) but I love and respect all the wickedly talented ladies who go green :)
Elphaba seems to be the only character who doesn't particularly change, she always stays true to herself and to what she believes in. She always is thinking of others before herself and wants to use her power to benefit others. We first meet her as an outcast schoolgirl who is afraid of others seeing her power but she soon grows to accept them and use them for good. Rachel's vocals are phenomenal. He voice conveys such power and such authority and yet when she softens the voice you are still completely mesmerised. Her ability to portray the many emotions that Elphaba feels is unique, she is warm, confused and at times frightening but is above all loving and her vocals reflect that.
From the power during 'Defying Gravity' to the passion in 'As Long As You're Mine'. Personally, one of my favourite parts of Rachel's performance was her rendition of 'No Good Deed', her riffs are just out of this world - 'No Good Deed'  is a very emotive piece of music, it comes from Elphaba's rage over her being seemingly unable to do good, despite her good intentions. It is at this point in the show Elphaba accepts her true wickedness and Rachel perfectly captures that moment, that turning point if you like, better than any Elphaba I have ever seen!
Her rendition of 'For Good', the emotional duet with Suzie is beautiful, these are 2 well seasoned performers who know their respective roles inside out strike a perfect chemistry that is needed if the story is to be believed. This is a defining moment in the show and both witches capture it perfectly.

It has been a pleasure seeing Rachel back in Wicked and I hope she enjoys the rest of her time as Elphaba. All the very best!

Twitter: Rachel Tucker

The current cast of Wicked truly show off the full value of the show! If you have never had the opportunity to see this masterpiece then I urge you to go now! Even if you, like me have seen the show before, go again! The 10th anniversary cast are utterly spectacular. You never know, it could change you 'For Good'

Love you all
See you soon xxx

Jade :)

Twitter: WickedUK
Facebook:Wicked UK
YouTube:Wicked The Musical UK
Instagram:Wicked UK

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