Sunday, 17 July 2016

The Theatre Cafe!

The best café in all of London!

So in one of my previous posts I mentioned a little place I like to go called 'The Theatre Café' and I promised I'd do a quick post to explain why I love it so much!

Well that promise has now been fulfilled! Or it will be by the time you finish reading :)

Quite simply it is a café for theatre fans - not going to lie it is like heaven on earth. Basically its this small little café that quite often gets walked past but never noticed, on Shaftsbury Avenue - just opposite the Queens Theatre where Les Miserables is currently playing.

From the outside it doesn't look like much,  just another café in the heart of London, you hardly notice it! But for those who do it looks very much like another ticket boot like the one on Leicester Square, or many of the other ones lingering around TheatreLand, with all the bright show signs above it. It all looks a bit bold, a bit brash...a bit off - putting right? Why would you ever go in there? I seriously encourage you to open that door and cross over to "A Whole New World"

The somewhat overbearing front to the Theatre Café. Or in my eyes...home


I will wholeheartedly admit I had heard of this place but never visited. It sounded very cheesy. Sweet Oz I am so glad I popped in that first time! I never knew I was missing something in my life until I discovered this little café. It has just the perfect balance of cheese and theatre puns (more to come later!) and the efficiency of any other coffee shop. But by all accounts this is no 'Any other coffee shop'
I will never forget the first time I opened that door. My heart nearly burst with joy. Floor to ceiling, covering every inch of wall are an untold amount on (SIGNED!!!) posters from different shows, dating back to some classic West End shows to the modern day shows (or revivals) such as Miss Saigon, Cats and Matilda.

I'm not kidding:
2014/15 Revival of Cats at the London Palladium

Matilda - I'm really 'Naughty'... I haven't seen it yet! :(

25th Anniversary Revival of Miss Saigon
Impressive right?!
So not only are there posters like these EVERYWHERE, there are also relics of some of Theatre's most loved shows, including:

The Iconic Mask used in Phantom of the Opera

Worn by the one and only Mr Earl Carpenter!

.Elphaba's Broom! (Wicked)

I half hoped it would fly me to Oz :)

 A series of props from the Original cast of Billy Elliot

Boxing gloves and Maggie Thatcher...

There are of course other bits and pieces including things from Stomp and Matilda but I didn't get pictures of it all...There will be other times!

They've also got the most amazing tables..I may steal this idea for future use. Hell, I'd steal the table if I could!

Programmes and leaflets galore! They also have a couple of tables down the far end of the café signed by a whole host of West End stars who come to visit.

So not only are there millions of props and posters, as if that wasn't good enough, it spreads to the toilets! On each of the doors (Male and Female) theatre stars from all over the West End have signed the doors, including Carrie Hope Fletcher to name a few.
Even going to the toilet is an adventure...there are signed posters and collages in there too!

The Les Miserables family 'Look Down' on you..

If I had my way this is what my bedroom walls would look like..

And to top it of they have a dressing room mirror which of course calls for a selfie..

I want this mirror!

The Theatre Café team have also made a pun of all of the drinks on their menu. The creativity of these guys never ceases to amaze!

Can I interest you in a 'Starlight Espresso'?

And they also have theatre cups they serve you with! There are a whole host of options, if you ask nicely, they'll let you choose which cup you'd like! A great way to start or end an evening seeing a specific show.

Hmm..This has made my decision difficult

I settled for Wicked this time round!
The staff are the friendliest bunch of people you will ever meet! You walk in and are greeted with a smile and a 'Hello!' These guys always go the extra mile to make you feel welcome and i'm not going to lie...they make the nicest Hot Chocolate I have ever tasted....add a chocolate brownie to that? I'm I sold! I mean who can say no to a chocolate brownie... I mean seriously.

I highly recommend stopping by on your next trip to London. Just to make sure you don't miss out here are the opening times!

Monday - Friday: 11am - 8pm
Saturday: 10am - 8pm
Sunday: 10am - 7pm

As if this place wasn't fun enough, every Saturday between 3pm - 7pm they hold their very own Open Mic! As if I needed an excuse to belt out more show tunes. Saying that I chicken out when I last went in! Was going to do a one woman version of 'For Good' from Wicked....Next time!

They also have special performances from a variety of West End stars. Keep an eye on the website for more details!
Not to mention, you can also pop in and buy theatre tickets!! These guys are honestly the greatest. One little café for all your theatre needs! :)

Go give this brilliant place a visit :)
You never know - you could see me in there :)

Love you all xx

Twitter: @thetheatrecafe
Facebook: The Theatre Café
Address: 66 Shaftsbury Avenue, London

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Post Frequency :)

Hey Everyone!

First of all, thank you so much for all the love I'm receiving for this blog so far!

Its very early days but to see the amount of hits that have been coming in over the past few days has been unbelievable and from people all over the world so a big 'Hello' to all of my readers in America, Canada and various countries across Europe (including my fellow Brits!)

I've been thinking about post frequency. I want to do one big post a week - i'm thinking a Sunday? Sunday evening? That will be kind of like a feature post. If need be there may be a quick update at other times during the week and as we grow (or as I get more material!) this may become more often but for now I'm thinking, one post at the end of the week.

I hope that's okay with you guys?

Also I'm considering creating a Twitter account specifically for this page? Potentially we could do fun things like Q & A's What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments! :)

Anyway much love to all of you.

Speak soon!

Jade xx

Monday, 11 July 2016

The Phantom of the Opera - Take 2

9th July 2016.

I've noticed I seem to see a lot of shows on the 9th - both times I saw Cats was the 9th. First time I saw Les Mis was the 10th so that's pretty close...

Anyway back to the point of this:

Saturday (9th!) was my second trip to see Phantom, not only that, it was my first trip into London on my own. That in itself was exciting. I wasn't nervous about getting lost because I know that trip like the back of my hand.

So it was a standard afternoon as I ascended the stairs from the depths of the city. Piccadilly Circus. I stopped to take in the atmosphere, it was the same as always, yet different. The same city, the same place, the same journey and yet every time I go I get a thrill. Electricity courses through me, the atmosphere is indescribable.

Quick right onto Haymarket and there it was, Her Majesty's Theatre, standing there in all its glory....well half it's glory... It's currently being refurbished on the outside, scaffolding all around it but bless the management they'd put what I can only describe as a full size photo of the outside around the scaffolding to make it look more appealing. I must admit I had to do a double take!

What Scaffolding? :)
Impressive right?

Anyway I was there at about 14:10 so plenty of time, now I was sitting in the Grand Circle - I've never sat in the Grand Circle before so I was interested to see what the view was like from there. It was really good! Especially as I'd only paid £32 for the ticket. You couldn't quite see bottom, stage left (or right from our perspective!) but not much action goes on down there.  Row E seat 8 for those who are interested.  Previously I sat in the Royal Circle and the view was amazing.

So anyway I avoided the crazy amount of people outside and slipped up the stairs to the Grand Circle. You'd be surprised how many people fail to notice this - there's a massive sign! Poor front of house were getting asked how to get to the Grand Circle. I did have a little chuckle to myself as I ascended. But hey, it may be because I just know where to go. But I'll let you guys be the judges....
Bright Blue sign - has Grand Circle written on it....Can you see it?

So on the way up I bought a programme as always - I have a massive box full of programmes and stuff. Even if I've seen the show before I will still get another programme if I go again....please tell me i'm not the only one? :)

I took my seat and absorbed the atmosphere like a sponge. Every time it's different. Never fails to amaze me. The buzz of 2,000 voices together all usually conveying the anticipation of what they are about to witness.
I got talking to 2 lovely ladies sat behind me who had never seen the show before and before I knew it the house lights faded, the auction hammer sounded and the show began....
Now for those of you who have seen the show you know that spine tingling feeling when the Overture starts right? Every time... in fact I shed a tear. For that piece of music alone Andrew Lloyd Webber has my utmost respect - in y opinion its the greatest Overture ever written. God Bless Lord Webber.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye a lady next to me but one was on her phone. WHY??!!! And then she started taking photos... all through 'Hannibal', through 'Think of Me' up to 'Angel of Music'
I mean come on...the numerous announcements pre-show and the amount of times FOH said no photos. I get taking a quick snap of the set before the show starts or perhaps a photo of the safety curtain - in fact lets get it out there I'm guilty of that however show some respect to the performers....never during a show....ever....PERIOD!
Anyhow finally she stopped so I could properly get swept away in the sounds and set and sheer damn perfection that is Phantom.

Interval comes, nothing exciting happens. One side of me were a lovely Asian couple. The male of the party started to nod off and began ever so quietly snoring. I laughed to myself but said nothing - it was the interval.

Anyway Entr'acte comes....and he is still asleep!! In fact he slept right up until 'Point of No Return' again....HOW???? Its not exactly quiet.

People confuse me sometimes.

The show was spectacular! Honestly can't fault it.

Now as always I went to Stage Door after the show. I regularly make the effort to go to Stage Door just to commend the cast on their effort in the show and the quality of the performance. This was no different! I hung around SD and was greeted by the truly wonderful Celinde Schoenmaker. She has a gift, how such a magical sound can leave someone's mouth I have no idea but she is truly gifted.
We chatted for a while but I didn't want to keep her as they don't have too long before they are needed back at the theatre to get ready for the evening show. I didn't get a photo this time but here's a throwback to when I met her for the first time - (ignore the mess of my hair and massive coat - it was December!)

Not going to lie I was slightly starstruck! She was so lovely x
I also met the brilliantly talented Nadim Naaman - he was so sweet! Again we chatted for a bit but I didn't want to keep him too long! Food is quite important :)
Sadly I didn't get a photo with him but there will be other times no doubt!

Also I forgot to mention - Ben Forster was sick so was not playing the part of the Phantom. We had the 2nd cover, an amazingly talented man going by the name of Kieran Brown. If you get the opportunity to see him, he is astounding! I don't think understudies/covers always get the respect and recognition they deserves but I shall make that the matter of another post. Anyway he completely blew me away!

My final stop was the Theatre Café as always for a nice hot chocolate before heading home.

Don't worry, for those of you who have never had the privilege of visiting this amazing café I shall do another write up about it to post at a later date.

Thanks for reading this far!

Love you all.

Jade xx

P.S - I haven't decided how often to post. Not sure I can hold myself to daily! But could give weekly a go? Let me know what you guys would like - this is still a learning curve!


Sunday, 10 July 2016

A little about me!

Hi Guys!,

My name is Jade and I've decided I wanted to start a blog about my *slight* obsession with Musical Theatre.

I've had a lot of people ask me how I got 'The Bug'. Well that's a bit of a trip down memory lane - Let us begin......

Now it has to have been in 2002 (ish)  when I was about 4 years old. My mum took us to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the London Palladium which was my first experience of a London Theatre. The cast of that time included Michael Ball and a rather young, Carrie Hope Fletcher to name a few. Now in all honesty I don't remember much of that show other than the flying car... yes I get that's basically the plot of the whole show, but I remember as a little 4 year old watching in complete awe as Chitty flew above me on the black starry sky. To this day I still say the car flew and people still say "You know it didn't.." Well I wont let them shatter the hopes of 4 year old me. That car flew and at the moment continues to fly on its UK tour. I hope that show is still bringing such love and awe to other little children the same way it did to me 14 years ago.

So that was my first experience of a London theatre, my next wouldn't come for another 7 years when I was about 11. I went on a trip with my school (thanks to my singing teacher at the time) back to the London Palladium, this time to see The Sound Of Music.

Now i'd loved that film since I was little. Much to my parents annoyance we had it on repeat all the time.  I wanted to be able to run on those hills like Maria did, run around singing without a care in the world... okay I went off track slightly....back to the story....

So my singing teacher was playing the Mother Abbess at the time and had got a few tickets which she kindly gave to a number of students at my school where she ran her performing arts school with us. Not only were we within spitting distance of the stage she also gave us a behind the scenes tour. Yes I went back stage at the London Palladium, an experience in itself. But then came the moment that has stayed with me forever.....We headed down this corridor to a space behind a curtain. Once we had all assembled that curtain opened to reveal exactly where we were...On the stage of the London Palladium. Looking out over all those empty seats made me realise what a privilege it must be to perform to crowds night after night doing the thing you love most in the world.
Then Amanda (my singing teacher) split us into 3 groups and we sang - I can't for the life of me remember what we sang but I can safely say, I sang onstage at the London Palladium.

The show again, I can't remember too much of other that I really enjoyed it!!

Then life happened, did a few shows at secondary school nothing major. Then I was introduced to Les Miserables, my dad bought me the 25th Anniversary DVD. Holy Hell. I heard the music and was immediately in love. The same happened with Phantom Of the Opera and Wicked. I heard the music and fell in love. That love has just grown over the years!

Then I did my first West End show. Cats. 9th December 2014.  Nicole Scherzinger was the lead. Also I was back at the London Palladium :) A re-occurring theme is going on here....

Anyway, I had a wander round the theatre before curtain up and just took in the atmosphere. I even found the old posters on the walls for Chitty and Sound of Music!
We took our seats in the stalls and dear sweet lord I was blown away from the opening!

So much so I went back in February to see Kerry Ellis' opening night! (I think it was also the 9th) This was also my first stage door experience! Bear in mind it was February and it was cold as hell. But me and my friend stayed till 12, but had to leave before we met her. No matter, there will be other opportunities!

10th June 2015 - Les Miserables! The show I had waited so long to see. Never before have I been so excited. The feeling of walking into the lobby area and finding my seat. There was something there, an atmosphere I couldn't put my finger on. It was electric, I loved it!!

So I found my seat with my mum and sister (Royal Circle Slip Seats on the left). I couldn't keep still!! I was fidgeting, so  so excited. Then when the curtain rose and that music stared I was still. In fact just being hit with the power of that music, those first notes made me shed a tear.
 I didn't move until the curtain fell for the interval. I had cried twice in that time :)

By the end of the show I had shed so many tears of joy, sadness, love. I had been taken on a journey that I didn't want to end.  Sadly it did. The matinee came to a close as they always do and I felt oddly empty. My first real case of 'Post-Show Blues'

Then on 2nd December 2015  I went to see The Phantom of the Opera for the first time! Front row, Royal Circle gave us an exquisite view. Now I don't even know if this is possible but I was more excited for this that I was for Les Mis!! The theatre was beautiful! We got to the theatre just before 7 and went to the bar to wait to be allowed entry to the Auditorium. The front of house team were lovely and opened the doors to the balcony. Now I never knew there was a balcony behind the pillars but there is! So we sat there for a while taking in the sights and sounds of London at night. It never fails t make me smile.
Anyway we were let in and found out seats. As soon as I heard the first note of the Overture I cried like a baby and didn't stop until the end of the show!

Then my 2nd stage door experience! I met the wonderful Celinde Schoenmaker who was lovely enough to talk to us for a while. It was amazing to see her come from Fantine in Les Mis to Christine in Phantom :)  Sadly didn't get to meet John Owen-Jones but that time will come.

Since then I have seen Les Miserables again and Phantom again. I have also managed to meet Nadim Naaman and Celinde again. I could honestly spend all day writing about the various shows I've seen but if I do it all now I'll run out of material for this blog pretty quickly!

I'll write up about my latest visit to Phantom and link when it's complete :)

So if you are still reading by this point I thank you!
So that is the rather long story on how I caught the theatre bug and have fuelled that love ever since!

Long may it continue for there is so much more I want to see!

I bid thee farewell and hope you come back soon.

Jade xx