Hi Guys!,
My name is Jade and I've decided I wanted to start a blog about my *slight* obsession with Musical Theatre.
I've had a lot of people ask me how I got 'The Bug'. Well that's a bit of a trip down memory lane - Let us begin......
Now it has to have been in 2002 (ish) when I was about 4 years old. My mum took us to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the London Palladium which was my first experience of a London Theatre. The cast of that time included Michael Ball and a rather young, Carrie Hope Fletcher to name a few. Now in all honesty I don't remember much of that show other than the flying car... yes I get that's basically the plot of the whole show, but I remember as a little 4 year old watching in complete awe as Chitty flew above me on the black starry sky. To this day I still say the car flew and people still say "You know it didn't.." Well I wont let them shatter the hopes of 4 year old me. That car flew and at the moment continues to fly on its UK tour. I hope that show is still bringing such love and awe to other little children the same way it did to me 14 years ago.
So that was my first experience of a London theatre, my next wouldn't come for another 7 years when I was about 11. I went on a trip with my school (thanks to my singing teacher at the time) back to the London Palladium, this time to see The Sound Of Music.
Now i'd loved that film since I was little. Much to my parents annoyance we had it on repeat all the time. I wanted to be able to run on those hills like Maria did, run around singing without a care in the world... okay I went off track slightly....back to the story....
So my singing teacher was playing the Mother Abbess at the time and had got a few tickets which she kindly gave to a number of students at my school where she ran her performing arts school with us. Not only were we within spitting distance of the stage she also gave us a behind the scenes tour. Yes I went back stage at the London Palladium, an experience in itself. But then came the moment that has stayed with me forever.....We headed down this corridor to a space behind a curtain. Once we had all assembled that curtain opened to reveal exactly where we were...On the stage of the London Palladium. Looking out over all those empty seats made me realise what a privilege it must be to perform to crowds night after night doing the thing you love most in the world.
Then Amanda (my singing teacher) split us into 3 groups and we sang - I can't for the life of me remember what we sang but I can safely say, I sang onstage at the London Palladium.
The show again, I can't remember too much of other that I really enjoyed it!!
Then life happened, did a few shows at secondary school nothing major. Then I was introduced to Les Miserables, my dad bought me the 25th Anniversary DVD. Holy Hell. I heard the music and was immediately in love. The same happened with Phantom Of the Opera and Wicked. I heard the music and fell in love. That love has just grown over the years!
Then I did my first West End show. Cats. 9th December 2014. Nicole Scherzinger was the lead. Also I was back at the London Palladium :) A re-occurring theme is going on here....
Anyway, I had a wander round the theatre before curtain up and just took in the atmosphere. I even found the old posters on the walls for Chitty and Sound of Music!
We took our seats in the stalls and dear sweet lord I was blown away from the opening!
So much so I went back in February to see Kerry Ellis' opening night! (I think it was also the 9th) This was also my first stage door experience! Bear in mind it was February and it was cold as hell. But me and my friend stayed till 12, but had to leave before we met her. No matter, there will be other opportunities!
10th June 2015 - Les Miserables! The show I had waited so long to see. Never before have I been so excited. The feeling of walking into the lobby area and finding my seat. There was something there, an atmosphere I couldn't put my finger on. It was electric, I loved it!!
So I found my seat with my mum and sister (Royal Circle Slip Seats on the left). I couldn't keep still!! I was fidgeting, so so excited. Then when the curtain rose and that music stared I was still. In fact just being hit with the power of that music, those first notes made me shed a tear.
I didn't move until the curtain fell for the interval. I had cried twice in that time :)
By the end of the show I had shed so many tears of joy, sadness, love. I had been taken on a journey that I didn't want to end. Sadly it did. The matinee came to a close as they always do and I felt oddly empty. My first real case of 'Post-Show Blues'
Then on 2nd December 2015 I went to see The Phantom of the Opera for the first time! Front row, Royal Circle gave us an exquisite view. Now I don't even know if this is possible but I was more excited for this that I was for Les Mis!! The theatre was beautiful! We got to the theatre just before 7 and went to the bar to wait to be allowed entry to the Auditorium. The front of house team were lovely and opened the doors to the balcony. Now I never knew there was a balcony behind the pillars but there is! So we sat there for a while taking in the sights and sounds of London at night. It never fails t make me smile.
Anyway we were let in and found out seats. As soon as I heard the first note of the Overture I cried like a baby and didn't stop until the end of the show!
Then my 2nd stage door experience! I met the wonderful Celinde Schoenmaker who was lovely enough to talk to us for a while. It was amazing to see her come from Fantine in Les Mis to Christine in Phantom :) Sadly didn't get to meet John Owen-Jones but that time will come.
Since then I have seen Les Miserables again and Phantom again. I have also managed to meet Nadim Naaman and Celinde again. I could honestly spend all day writing about the various shows I've seen but if I do it all now I'll run out of material for this blog pretty quickly!
I'll write up about my latest visit to Phantom and link when it's complete :)
So if you are still reading by this point I thank you!
So that is the rather long story on how I caught the theatre bug and have fuelled that love ever since!
Long may it continue for there is so much more I want to see!
I bid thee farewell and hope you come back soon.
Jade xx
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