Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Post Frequency :)

Hey Everyone!

First of all, thank you so much for all the love I'm receiving for this blog so far!

Its very early days but to see the amount of hits that have been coming in over the past few days has been unbelievable and from people all over the world so a big 'Hello' to all of my readers in America, Canada and various countries across Europe (including my fellow Brits!)

I've been thinking about post frequency. I want to do one big post a week - i'm thinking a Sunday? Sunday evening? That will be kind of like a feature post. If need be there may be a quick update at other times during the week and as we grow (or as I get more material!) this may become more often but for now I'm thinking, one post at the end of the week.

I hope that's okay with you guys?

Also I'm considering creating a Twitter account specifically for this page? Potentially we could do fun things like Q & A's What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments! :)

Anyway much love to all of you.

Speak soon!

Jade xx

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