Monday, 11 July 2016

The Phantom of the Opera - Take 2

9th July 2016.

I've noticed I seem to see a lot of shows on the 9th - both times I saw Cats was the 9th. First time I saw Les Mis was the 10th so that's pretty close...

Anyway back to the point of this:

Saturday (9th!) was my second trip to see Phantom, not only that, it was my first trip into London on my own. That in itself was exciting. I wasn't nervous about getting lost because I know that trip like the back of my hand.

So it was a standard afternoon as I ascended the stairs from the depths of the city. Piccadilly Circus. I stopped to take in the atmosphere, it was the same as always, yet different. The same city, the same place, the same journey and yet every time I go I get a thrill. Electricity courses through me, the atmosphere is indescribable.

Quick right onto Haymarket and there it was, Her Majesty's Theatre, standing there in all its glory....well half it's glory... It's currently being refurbished on the outside, scaffolding all around it but bless the management they'd put what I can only describe as a full size photo of the outside around the scaffolding to make it look more appealing. I must admit I had to do a double take!

What Scaffolding? :)
Impressive right?

Anyway I was there at about 14:10 so plenty of time, now I was sitting in the Grand Circle - I've never sat in the Grand Circle before so I was interested to see what the view was like from there. It was really good! Especially as I'd only paid £32 for the ticket. You couldn't quite see bottom, stage left (or right from our perspective!) but not much action goes on down there.  Row E seat 8 for those who are interested.  Previously I sat in the Royal Circle and the view was amazing.

So anyway I avoided the crazy amount of people outside and slipped up the stairs to the Grand Circle. You'd be surprised how many people fail to notice this - there's a massive sign! Poor front of house were getting asked how to get to the Grand Circle. I did have a little chuckle to myself as I ascended. But hey, it may be because I just know where to go. But I'll let you guys be the judges....
Bright Blue sign - has Grand Circle written on it....Can you see it?

So on the way up I bought a programme as always - I have a massive box full of programmes and stuff. Even if I've seen the show before I will still get another programme if I go again....please tell me i'm not the only one? :)

I took my seat and absorbed the atmosphere like a sponge. Every time it's different. Never fails to amaze me. The buzz of 2,000 voices together all usually conveying the anticipation of what they are about to witness.
I got talking to 2 lovely ladies sat behind me who had never seen the show before and before I knew it the house lights faded, the auction hammer sounded and the show began....
Now for those of you who have seen the show you know that spine tingling feeling when the Overture starts right? Every time... in fact I shed a tear. For that piece of music alone Andrew Lloyd Webber has my utmost respect - in y opinion its the greatest Overture ever written. God Bless Lord Webber.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye a lady next to me but one was on her phone. WHY??!!! And then she started taking photos... all through 'Hannibal', through 'Think of Me' up to 'Angel of Music'
I mean come on...the numerous announcements pre-show and the amount of times FOH said no photos. I get taking a quick snap of the set before the show starts or perhaps a photo of the safety curtain - in fact lets get it out there I'm guilty of that however show some respect to the performers....never during a show....ever....PERIOD!
Anyhow finally she stopped so I could properly get swept away in the sounds and set and sheer damn perfection that is Phantom.

Interval comes, nothing exciting happens. One side of me were a lovely Asian couple. The male of the party started to nod off and began ever so quietly snoring. I laughed to myself but said nothing - it was the interval.

Anyway Entr'acte comes....and he is still asleep!! In fact he slept right up until 'Point of No Return' again....HOW???? Its not exactly quiet.

People confuse me sometimes.

The show was spectacular! Honestly can't fault it.

Now as always I went to Stage Door after the show. I regularly make the effort to go to Stage Door just to commend the cast on their effort in the show and the quality of the performance. This was no different! I hung around SD and was greeted by the truly wonderful Celinde Schoenmaker. She has a gift, how such a magical sound can leave someone's mouth I have no idea but she is truly gifted.
We chatted for a while but I didn't want to keep her as they don't have too long before they are needed back at the theatre to get ready for the evening show. I didn't get a photo this time but here's a throwback to when I met her for the first time - (ignore the mess of my hair and massive coat - it was December!)

Not going to lie I was slightly starstruck! She was so lovely x
I also met the brilliantly talented Nadim Naaman - he was so sweet! Again we chatted for a bit but I didn't want to keep him too long! Food is quite important :)
Sadly I didn't get a photo with him but there will be other times no doubt!

Also I forgot to mention - Ben Forster was sick so was not playing the part of the Phantom. We had the 2nd cover, an amazingly talented man going by the name of Kieran Brown. If you get the opportunity to see him, he is astounding! I don't think understudies/covers always get the respect and recognition they deserves but I shall make that the matter of another post. Anyway he completely blew me away!

My final stop was the Theatre Café as always for a nice hot chocolate before heading home.

Don't worry, for those of you who have never had the privilege of visiting this amazing café I shall do another write up about it to post at a later date.

Thanks for reading this far!

Love you all.

Jade xx

P.S - I haven't decided how often to post. Not sure I can hold myself to daily! But could give weekly a go? Let me know what you guys would like - this is still a learning curve!



  1. Thanks for writing this. I love hearing about other peoples experiences seeing Phantom. You are on right on the mark about the Overture. Its a stunning piece of work.

    As for Kieran Brown... I'm desperate to see him play Phantom since I saw a video of him singing Music of the Night in a church. He is massively underrated and really deserves the role full time. (Not to take anything away from Ben Forster of course - he's brilliant)

    I'm seeing it this Thursday again (lost count) and can't wait.

    1. Hey Kevin!

      Thanks for the positive comments! I love the Overture so much. It's by far my favourite piece of music.

      It would be amazing to see Kieran get the role full time - you never know! It could happen. I haven't seen Ben but have heard some good things.


  2. I'm going to see Phantom next week and am also hoping to meet the cast at the Stage Door after the matinee-- can you give me an idea of how long you waited for Celinde and Nadim to come out after the show?

    1. Hey Sarah!

      Not too long! I wasn't clock watching but it was no more than 20 minutes

      Of course times must vary from show to show.

      Enjoy the show and I really hope you get to meet Celinde and Nadim - they are both so wonderful

      All The Best

      Jade xx
