Sunday, 17 July 2016

The Theatre Cafe!

The best café in all of London!

So in one of my previous posts I mentioned a little place I like to go called 'The Theatre Café' and I promised I'd do a quick post to explain why I love it so much!

Well that promise has now been fulfilled! Or it will be by the time you finish reading :)

Quite simply it is a café for theatre fans - not going to lie it is like heaven on earth. Basically its this small little café that quite often gets walked past but never noticed, on Shaftsbury Avenue - just opposite the Queens Theatre where Les Miserables is currently playing.

From the outside it doesn't look like much,  just another café in the heart of London, you hardly notice it! But for those who do it looks very much like another ticket boot like the one on Leicester Square, or many of the other ones lingering around TheatreLand, with all the bright show signs above it. It all looks a bit bold, a bit brash...a bit off - putting right? Why would you ever go in there? I seriously encourage you to open that door and cross over to "A Whole New World"

The somewhat overbearing front to the Theatre Café. Or in my eyes...home


I will wholeheartedly admit I had heard of this place but never visited. It sounded very cheesy. Sweet Oz I am so glad I popped in that first time! I never knew I was missing something in my life until I discovered this little café. It has just the perfect balance of cheese and theatre puns (more to come later!) and the efficiency of any other coffee shop. But by all accounts this is no 'Any other coffee shop'
I will never forget the first time I opened that door. My heart nearly burst with joy. Floor to ceiling, covering every inch of wall are an untold amount on (SIGNED!!!) posters from different shows, dating back to some classic West End shows to the modern day shows (or revivals) such as Miss Saigon, Cats and Matilda.

I'm not kidding:
2014/15 Revival of Cats at the London Palladium

Matilda - I'm really 'Naughty'... I haven't seen it yet! :(

25th Anniversary Revival of Miss Saigon
Impressive right?!
So not only are there posters like these EVERYWHERE, there are also relics of some of Theatre's most loved shows, including:

The Iconic Mask used in Phantom of the Opera

Worn by the one and only Mr Earl Carpenter!

.Elphaba's Broom! (Wicked)

I half hoped it would fly me to Oz :)

 A series of props from the Original cast of Billy Elliot

Boxing gloves and Maggie Thatcher...

There are of course other bits and pieces including things from Stomp and Matilda but I didn't get pictures of it all...There will be other times!

They've also got the most amazing tables..I may steal this idea for future use. Hell, I'd steal the table if I could!

Programmes and leaflets galore! They also have a couple of tables down the far end of the café signed by a whole host of West End stars who come to visit.

So not only are there millions of props and posters, as if that wasn't good enough, it spreads to the toilets! On each of the doors (Male and Female) theatre stars from all over the West End have signed the doors, including Carrie Hope Fletcher to name a few.
Even going to the toilet is an adventure...there are signed posters and collages in there too!

The Les Miserables family 'Look Down' on you..

If I had my way this is what my bedroom walls would look like..

And to top it of they have a dressing room mirror which of course calls for a selfie..

I want this mirror!

The Theatre Café team have also made a pun of all of the drinks on their menu. The creativity of these guys never ceases to amaze!

Can I interest you in a 'Starlight Espresso'?

And they also have theatre cups they serve you with! There are a whole host of options, if you ask nicely, they'll let you choose which cup you'd like! A great way to start or end an evening seeing a specific show.

Hmm..This has made my decision difficult

I settled for Wicked this time round!
The staff are the friendliest bunch of people you will ever meet! You walk in and are greeted with a smile and a 'Hello!' These guys always go the extra mile to make you feel welcome and i'm not going to lie...they make the nicest Hot Chocolate I have ever tasted....add a chocolate brownie to that? I'm I sold! I mean who can say no to a chocolate brownie... I mean seriously.

I highly recommend stopping by on your next trip to London. Just to make sure you don't miss out here are the opening times!

Monday - Friday: 11am - 8pm
Saturday: 10am - 8pm
Sunday: 10am - 7pm

As if this place wasn't fun enough, every Saturday between 3pm - 7pm they hold their very own Open Mic! As if I needed an excuse to belt out more show tunes. Saying that I chicken out when I last went in! Was going to do a one woman version of 'For Good' from Wicked....Next time!

They also have special performances from a variety of West End stars. Keep an eye on the website for more details!
Not to mention, you can also pop in and buy theatre tickets!! These guys are honestly the greatest. One little café for all your theatre needs! :)

Go give this brilliant place a visit :)
You never know - you could see me in there :)

Love you all xx

Twitter: @thetheatrecafe
Facebook: The Theatre Café
Address: 66 Shaftsbury Avenue, London

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